Cubic Awarded Contract to Deliver PRISim Suite PortableTrainers to US Air National Guard

Cubic Corporation today announced its Cubic Global Defense (CGD) business division in partnership with Federal Resources, was awarded a contract worth more than $6 million to supply the United States Air National Guard (ANG) with 95 PRISim Suite® PortableTrainerTM systems that include recoil and less-lethal training weapons and devices. The system also includes software capabilities that allow customization of scenarios. To be deployed at every ANG base, the systems will train security forces personnel in use-of-force policy and handling of deadly force and less-lethal weapons.

“We are thrilled with this contract win as PRISim is one of Cubic’s key training solutions for marksmanship and judgement skills,” said Dave Buss, president of Cubic Global Defense. “This contract is a significant first win for the Cubic and Federal Resources partnership and we look forward to supporting the Air National Guard with its mission critical simulation training program.” 

Cubic’s L750 portable system from the PRISim Suite product line leverages high-definition, interactive videos and game-engine technology to create realistic training theatres for all aspects of firearms handling. The system is easy-to-use, simple to transport and quick to deploy with an industry-leading set up time of three minutes. It includes a Surface Pro tablet controller and features three modes of training – branching video for use of force training, marksmanship and skill builder modes.

“The PRISim simulation system will provide the necessary weapons training for the Air National Guard’s Security Forces to be able to respond in any situation they may find themselves in,” said Keith Bauder, director of National Guard Bureau programs, Federal Resources. “It will prove to be an excellent resource for many years.”

Cubic’s range of firearms training solutions provide safe, effective and realistic training environments for law enforcement, military and security professionals.

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