Unique Bluetooth contact tracing card: first "line of defence" against potential new COVID-19 outbreaks

SYDNEY, June 15, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Best practice in the era of COVID-19 relies upon the timely and trusted application of outbreak management protocols, and companies across the USA are invited to trial an innovative contact tracing solution.

Presently being piloted across the Asia-Pacific, Contact Harald http://contactharald.com/bus-health is an app-free, wearable, stand-alone card-to-card based contact tracing system that uses Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE).

Designed for "closed environments" - like food manufacturing factories and fulfilment warehouses - the Australian-designed system records card-to-card interactions within a defined area. Each card records when those wearing a Contact Harald card have been in close proximity (within six-feet of each other) for two minutes or longer.

Speed and privacy are of the utmost importance. When any potential new case of a transmissible disease is identified, memory-based recall can prove problematic. With Contact Harald, "trace, test and isolate" actions can be undertaken immediately, without having to wait days or weeks trying to manually track down contacts.

Deidentified proximity data is uploaded securely to an encrypted server with no personal information stored on individual cards. Contact Harald is HIPAA* compliant.

"With further hotspots emerging across the country, the nature of this virus makes getting back to work rather complicated," said Matt Denton, the award-winning former Apple designer behind the Contact Harald platform.

"With subsequent waves of the pandemic on the cards, I encourage American businesses to take the time now to trial and install systems to ensure they are properly prepared.

"Designed with speed and accuracy at its heart, this unique platform can quickly identify, contact and isolate any potential sources of infection," said Mr Denton, noting that the striking green Contact Harald cards also offer a visual compliance cue which can help with staff morale and visitor confidence across all industry sectors.

If there is a possible infection spread, Contact Harald snaps into action: data is cross referenced, and alerts can be selectively issued by SMS and/or emails to everyone who was in close contact - all without the need for complicated set-up procedures or expensive IT infrastructure.

Currently establishing a "quick start" system, the Contact Harald local support team can supply kits of firmware-loaded cards/lanyards, onboarding/uploading videos plus seven-day software access to interested businesses. Trial kits can be requested by emailing business@contactharald.com or by calling +1 (763) 516-0172.

"We anticipate wide demand for the card-to-card contact tracing kits. Priority will be given to those industries offering essential services, to help Americans get back to business," said Mr Denton.

Using simple, practical steps to enhance duty of care, Contact Harald can help safeguard business continuity and viability by:

    --  offering a visual compliance tool
    --  speeding up contact tracing time
    --  maintaining privacy
    --  freeing up staff to continue doing essential work

Request a trial kit today to discover how simple, fast and effective Contact Harald is.

Contact Harald Support Team USA
Steve Lauder
Email: business@contactharald.com
Phone: +1 (763) 516-0172.
Web: http://contactharald.com/bus-health

             *HIPAA: Health Insurance
              Portability and Accountability

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SOURCE Contact Harald