Last Update June 22, 2023


  • Electrical, Electronics & Electro-optics
  • Services (R&D, training, engineering, consultancy, …)

The MICROWAVE TUBE RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT CENTRE (MTRDC) was established under Defence Research & Development Organization, Ministry of Defence, in the year 1984 with the following Charter of duties, to conduct research & development activities in the field of advanced microwave tubes required in the country and aspects related to their application and engineering.

The work on microwave tubes is multi-disciplinary encompassing various fields, like, microwave engineering, high vacuum engineering, brazing technology, high voltage engineering and material science, etc. This centre has established excellent dedicated facilities for design and development of microwave tubes. a strong interaction with the production agency, m/s bharat electronics, Bangalore, and linkages with other organizations, like, DLRL, DMRL, (Hyderabad), IISc (Bangalore), BHU (Varanasi), CEERI (Pilani), BARC(Mumbai), IPR (Gandhinagar) , and others have been established.

The centre, having established a strong base in the design and development of microwave tubes, TWTs and Cathodes, some of which have already been produced, has ventured in the area of Microwave Power Modules and transmitters. The centre works closely with the system laboratories of DRDO in the field of radar, EW and communications: LRDE, DLRL, DARE, DEAL, RCI and TBRL. The centre is working for achieving self-reliance in this strategic area, as some of the products are slated to come out through the production agency. Linkages have also been established with other laboratories like DMRL, SSPL and DMSRDE for development of critical technologies.

Microwave Tube R&D Center (MTRDC)

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