Public Health Organization Calls on Corporations to Install Curbs on Porn

BOSTON, Dec. 3, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Two major corporations have announced plans to filter porn -- last week, Starbucks, and today Tumblr.

Culture Reframed, a nonprofit organization that "provides education and resources to build resilience and resistance to hypersexualized media and porn," is calling on all platforms and public venues - such as Instagram and YouTube, as well as restaurants, libraries, college campuses, and commercial flights - to follow the bold actions of these corporations.

"Over 40 years of research by psychologists and sociologists shows that porn consumption leads to sexual violence, a decreased capacity for intimacy and ability to form healthy relationships, and undermines the cognitive, social, and sexual development of young people," said Dr. Gail Dines, Culture Reframed president and CEO.

"We call on all other platforms and public venues to follow these bold moves," said Dines.

Almost 90 percent of the most-viewed porn scenes contain violence against women, according to Dr. Ana Bridges and others. (

Dines was quoted in USA Today on the issue ("Starbucks to install anti-porn filters on store Wi-Fi starting next year," Nov. 29, 2018)

"...When you consume porn in public, you're sending a very powerful message to the women who walk past you," she said. "It's a public statement about how normal misogyny is.....Why would you go somewhere with your kids when you could see someone watching porn, when you could go somewhere, like Panera, where you know you won't," she said.

Dr. Gail Dines -
Rhea Becker -

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